Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bake 52: Week 9

B-a-b-k-a.  Who could resist a bread with this name? Say it slow.  Say it fast.  With an accent.  It's just so fun...and mysterious.  Is it a cinnamon roll?  Is it a bread?  A broll?  And to top it off, it had a cameo appearance in a Jerry Seinfeld episode (see Michelle's blog).   A fun name.  A complicated dough.  A delicious bread.  M-m-m-h!
The fabulous Michelle was our host this week and you can get the recipe on her blog HERE.
Before rising

Glaze on and ready for the oven

Transformation complete.  Doesn't this look like a butterfly?
My only tip is to eat this hot.  I didn't.  It's literally the first time I have never eaten hot, freshly baked bread.  I'm still regretting it!  I pulled it out of the oven around midnight and went to bed.  My kitchen smelt like a bakery in the morning and my family was thrilled to have Babka for breakfast.  Babka for Breakfast (that just sounds cool).  I warmed it in the microwave, but I still feel like I missed out on the true experience.  Darn, I guess I'll have to make it again:)


  1. Any excuse to make this again seems worth it. :) It looks delicious! Looking at all these blogs has me wishing we still had some around here!

  2. Glad you remembered to post this week :) Looks so good! We are going to have to get together and try a chocolate one soon!!

  3. I love that it made my house smell like a bakery, too!! It was better than any candle. And I would totally recommend making it again just to try it fresh out of the oven. Like Amanda said, any excuse, right?!? :)

  4. Your bread looks great! We really loved this one... and I also loved that my house smelled so great while baking it.
